Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Never Ending Summer

I haven't posted in months because there really hasn't been much to report. I did take an excursion to the highlands of Peru and saw native Queen Palms growing in Peru's Sacred Valley at about 10,000 feet above sea level. Although we were well within the tropics, I didn't expect quasi-fragile palms at that elevation. And the palms were thriving in the low-oxygen environment - and doing much better than I was.... as evidenced by the bluing of my hands and the occasion cough of blood. But I survived.

The palms in my yard are doing fine. The Washingtonia Robusta is taller than the garage, and will present a significant problem when I move to protect it this winter. The Pindo Palm next to it is probably four feet tall, and I'm also scratching my head over how to protect it.

Aside from some stress from the drought and ongoing heat (it was 91 degrees here yesterday, a record for the date) the palms are thriving. Will get some pix posted soon, and will start regular updates as they are prepared for winter.