It's a good thing that I'm a very goal driven person, because it makes the fact that I've set a new personal record this Spring in pulling in the tropical plants off my front porch to avoid an unwelcomed hard freeze - I think last night marked the 6th time that's happened this Spring. Like much of the rest of the country, Spring here has been put on hold. The outdoor palms which have been fertilized already and were basking in 80 degree temperatures just a few weeks ago are in shock. The S. Minor, above, seems relatively unfazed, but is used to being bathed in a sea of mulit-colored phlox this time of year. Some of the colors are visible through the dusting of snow that arrived Easter morning. The Windmill palm below (T. Fortunei) is in the midst of sending up 2 new spears, and seems equally unfazed.
Several of the larger, cold-damaged fronds of the Mexican Fan Palm out in the back yard, were a little weighted down by the wet snow, but the plant itself is unfazed. At this point, the coldest temperature I've recorded in my back yard is 29 degrees during this cold snap, which means we suffered much less than parts of the deep South.

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